Top 10 Programming Languages to Learn Before 2024

We delve into the essential programming languages you should consider mastering before the arrival of 2024. These recommendations will play a pivotal role in shaping the tech landscape in the coming year.

Hello, I'm Lewis Huxtable, the Software Development Practice Lead here at IJYI. As someone deeply immersed in the ever-evolving world of technology, I am excited to share insights from our Development Practice with you.

In this article, we'll delve into the essential programming languages you should consider mastering before the arrival of 2024. These recommendations stem from our team's collective expertise and will play a pivotal role in shaping the tech landscape in the coming year.

As we move into the final quarter of 2023, it's crucial for developers and technical leads like you to plan ahead for the upcoming year. In the ever-evolving tech industry, staying current with programming languages is essential to remain competitive. With less than a quarter of the year remaining, there's no better time than now to explore the top programming languages you shouldn't overlook before 2024. These are the languages that will equip you for your next challenge, whether you're aiming to build powerful pattern recognition models with Python, set up a robust database for your e-commerce venture, or revitalise your skills for older systems with PHP.

Our Software Development Practice frequently engages with the following technologies. I hope you find this article insightful, and feel free to share which technologies you're considering adding to your portfolio in the future. Your input is highly valuable to us!

Number 10 - Java

Java, born in the 1990s under Sun Microsystems (now under Oracle's umbrella), is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language renowned for its versatility. It proudly carries the tagline "write once, run anywhere," thanks to its ability to execute on any device with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), regardless of the underlying operating system.

One of Java's standout features is its object-oriented design, enabling developers to create modular and reusable code. This design philosophy also bestows Java with remarkable stability and security, making it a top choice for many leading organisations, particularly for building enterprise-level applications. Additionally, Java is a favored teaching tool in computer science programs at educational institutions, offering an excellent introduction to OOP principles.

Number 9 - PHP

PHP, an open-source server-side scripting language tailored for web development, plays a pivotal role in powering over 75% of websites today. Renowned content management systems like WordPress rely on PHP as their core foundation.

Proficient PHP developers leverage its capabilities for seamless database interactions, user session management, form handling, email communication, and more.

PHP boasts a vibrant community of open-source enthusiasts who continuously enhance its potential. Their contributions have given rise to extensions, tools, and frameworks, making PHP even more powerful and user-friendly.

Number 8 - Ruby

Ruby, a meticulously crafted object-oriented programming (OOP) language, prioritises developer productivity and code readability. Its dynamic typing and straightforward syntax make it an excellent choice for beginners.

Ruby excels in scripting, automation, and the creation of command-line tools. In web development, enthusiasts frequently turn to the Ruby on Rails framework, known for its convention-over-configuration philosophy, which accelerates the development and deployment of complex applications.

Number 7 - Rust

Rust, championed by Mozilla, is designed for systems programming, standing out with a strong focus on low-level control, memory, and thread safety. Its meteoric rise in popularity is evident, consistently voted as the most beloved language by developers for eight consecutive years.

Rust's versatility spans systems software like operating systems, device drivers, and network protocols, as well as web applications and command-line tools. In summary, Rust is a potent and modern programming language, rapidly solidifying its esteemed reputation.

Number 6 - Go

Go, also known as Golang, was conceived by Google engineers in 2007 as a compiled language for efficient large-scale application development. With static typing and an accessible syntax, it's an excellent choice for programmers of all levels.

Go is commonly used for backend systems, network programming, and software development tools. Despite its relatively recent origin, it has rapidly gained popularity in the developer community.

Number 5 - TypeScript

Microsoft introduced TypeScript as a way to add static typing to JavaScript. If you're familiar with JavaScript, transitioning to TypeScript is seamless since it retains the same fundamental syntax.

Unlike JavaScript, TypeScript requires type declarations, enhancing reliability and reducing the likelihood of errors. This makes TypeScript an ideal choice for building complex and expansive applications.

Number 4 - C#

C# is a modern object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft as a key component of the .NET framework. It features a static type system and is widely used for creating Windows desktop applications, gaming software, and enterprise-level solutions.

C# also extends its versatility to web development and server-side applications, offering compatibility with the Linux platform. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including component-oriented, object-oriented, and functional programming, making it a versatile choice.

Additional advantages include automated memory management and a comprehensive standard library. Compared to the more complex syntax of C and C++, C# offers a simpler and more user-friendly coding experience.

Number 3 - SQL

Structured Query Language (SQL) is the go-to choice for managing and manipulating relational databases. It excels at creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting (CRUD) data in databases and managing the database structure.

SQL is a powerful tool for data management and analysis, widely used across various industries. It serves as the standard for database management systems like MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and more.

SQL is a declarative language, focusing on what you want to do with data rather than how to do it. Whether you're pursuing a career as a database administrator, business analyst, or web developer, you're likely to encounter SQL in your work.

Number 2 - JavaScript

JavaScript, a dynamic and interpreted scripting language, is widely used in creating interactive and dynamic web pages, often in conjunction with HTML and CSS for front-end development.

JavaScript plays a crucial role in enabling elements on webpages to be interactive, and it powers the client-side functionality of over 98% of websites, highlighting its importance in web development.

Beyond front-end applications, JavaScript finds utility in server-side programming with Node.js, mobile app development, game creation, and task automation.

JavaScript offers an abundance of high-quality learning resources, including comprehensive courses, and boasts a welcoming community known for its openness and friendliness, making it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced developers alike.

Number 1 - Python *Our Top Spot!*

Python, a versatile open-source programming language, stands out for its wide-ranging applications. It's extensively used in web development, scientific computation, artificial intelligence, and data analysis, making it a top recommendation for those exploring coding languages before 2024.

Python's allure lies in its accessible syntax and user-friendly semantics, making it an ideal choice for beginners. Its vast repository of libraries and modules further enhances its suitability for newcomers.

The Python community is vibrant, large, and supportive, offering abundant resources for learners, including high-quality tutorials and courses.

Mastering Python opens doors to various career prospects, from data science to software engineering and artificial intelligence. It's worth noting that Python is a common language for those entering the AI/ML field, an area of tech poised for continuous growth in the years ahead.

Thank you for reading, Lewis.

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